Incoming Supply Cabinets (A)
M-A 80 MZ69016
M-A 80 MZ69016M-A 250

These products form the intersection between the supply network and the site distribution system. They measure the consumed amount of electrical energy.

The connected load is between 55 and 436 kVA; meter and converter station in IP54, completely protective-insulated, terminal outlets to subordinate site distributors.


Robust housing made from galvanized steel sheet with weather-resistant powder coating in RAL 2000 (yellow orange); pivotable crane eyelets and ergonomic handles; with wall mount (only for distributor types with a weight of up to approx. 70 kg). Measuring device as per DIN 43870. All installations are protective-insulated with protection rating IP54. Galvanized frame with plastic sleeves or galvanized lugs for earth pegs for attaching the equipment to the ground.


As a connection point to the grid of the power supply company on building sites in cases where connection distributor cabinets are not permitted in the relevant supply area due to the technical connection conditions or if the form of the site grid requires the separate accommodation of the power supply company connection and measuring device or if - on large sites - the distribution of electricity takes place via further group and main distribution boards. The customer's connecting cable upstream of the measuring device may have a maximum length of 30 m.



Type Order number Connected load Main fuse Measuring device Main fuse and outlet Other outlets Weight approx.  kg

Fuse-switch-disconnector Counter field Converter station Circuit breaker with fuse Fuse-switch-disconnector
    kVA A     A NH00

M-A 80  MZ69016 55 NH00 / 100  1   NH00 / 80        33
M-A 80/2/Z  MZ69018 55 NH00 / 100  2   NH00 / 80        52
M-AGV 80-B/S  MZ69175 55 NH00 / 100  1   NH00 / 80  4x 50A      62
M-A 100  MZ69195 69 NH00 / 125  1   NH00 / 100        33
M-AGV 100-B/S  MZ69196 69 NH00 / 125 1   NH00 / 100  4x 63A      62
M-AGV 200-B/S/NH2 MZ69740 138 NH1 / 250 1 1 NH1 / 200  2x 100     105
M-A 250-A  MZ69019 173 NH2 / 400  1 1 NH1 / 250        100
M-A 250-A/DFÜ  MZ69738 173 NH2 / 400  1 1 NH1 / 250        105
M-AGV 250-B/S  MZ69020 173 NH2 / 400  1 1 NH1 / 250  4x 100      150
M-AGV 250-B/S/NH4/DFÜ MZ69737 173 NH2 / 400 1 1 NH1 / 250  4x 100      150
M-AGV 250-B/S/NH6  MZ69197 173 NH2 / 400  1 1 NH1 / 250  6x 100      155
M-AGV 250-B/S/NH4/211-6/V3  MZ69736 173 NH2 / 400 1 1 NH1 / 250  4x 100      220
M-A 400-A  MZ69021 277 NH3 / 630  3 1 NH2 / 400        165
M-A 400-A/1ZF  MZ69739 277 NH3 / 630  1 1 NH2 / 400         110
M-AGV 400-B/S  MZ69023 277 NH3 / 630  3 1 NH2 / 400  2x 100  1x 250    245
M-AHV 630-B/S  MZ69025 436 2x NH3/500  3 1 NH3 / 630  2x 100  1x 250  1x 400  420
M-AGV 250-B/S/SL’12’ 1)  MZ69658 173 NH2 / 400  1 1 NH1 / 250  12x 100      240
M-AGV 250-B/S/SL82 1) MZ69659 173 NH2 / 400  1 1 NH1 / 250  8x 100  2x 200    245
M-AGV 500-B/S/SL611/DFÜ 1) MZ69650 346 NH3 / 630  1 1) 1 NH3 / 500  6x 100  1x 250  1x 400  250
M-AGV 500-B/S/SL421/DFÜ 1) MZ69651 346 NH3 / 630  1 1) 1 NH3 / 500  4x 100  2x 250  1x 400  250
M-AGV 500-B/S/SL822/DFÜ 1) MZ69652 346 NH3 / 630  1 1) 1 NH3 / 500  8x 100  2x 250  2x 400  270
M-AGV 500-B/S/SL08/DFÜ 1) MZ69653 346 NH3 / 630  1 1) 1 NH3 / 500    8x 250    270

1) Slot for GSM module

SL= safety disconnection block on outlet


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